Historia del Pensamiento y del Análisis Económico
“Wealth consists not in having great possesions but in having few wants” [Epictetus]
“The value of money is not in its possesion, but in its use” [Aristotle]
“The wise man seeks balance in all things” [Lao Tzu]
Qing 轻 means “light” and by extension “unimportant,” “inconsequential,” or “cheap.” As a verb, it means to accord little or no value to something. Zhong 重 means “heavy,” and by extension “important”, “serious” or “expensive”. As a verb, it means to value something. As a compound the two characters usually mean “weight”.
“When things are plentiful, they will be cheap; when they are scarce, they will be expensive”
“Goods if concentrated will become”heavy”, but will turn “light” once they are scattered about”
“Goods worth being hoarded will become”heavy”, and conversely [if not worth hoarding] will become “light”. Goods cornered will be “heavy”, or otherwise will be “light”
“An urgent decree to collect tax in the form of certain goods will make the goods in question”heavy”, but a go-slow decree will make them “light”
“A man can’t eat without grain, grain can’t grow without land, land cant’ do without man, and man can’t get rich without labor”
“The price of commodities will rise or fall along with the value of money, and it is grain alone that will determine whether they are expensive or cheap. …When grain is expensive, all other things are cheap, when grain is cheap, all other things are expensive
“[a]s the harvest is bad or good, grain will be expensive or cheap. …if the prince is not able to control the situation, it will lead to large-scale traders roaming the markets and taking advantage of the people’s lack of things to increase their capital a hundredfold”
“it is the nature of men that whenever they see profit, they cannot help chasing after it”
“a petty thief is put in jail. A great brigand becomes a ruler of State”
The woman conceives and bears her burden in travail, risking her life, and giving of her own food; and, with much labor, having endured to the end and brought forth her child, she rears and cares for it, although she has not received any good thing, and the babe neither recognizes its benefactress nor can make its wants known to her; still she guesses what is good for it, and what it likes, and seeks to supply these things, and rears it for a long season, enduring toil day and night, nothing knowing what return she will get.
El hombre es la medida de todas las cosas
Por tanto, es evidente que hay un arte de adquisición natural para los que administran la casa y la ciudad. …Existe otra clase de arte adquisitivo, que precisamente llaman -y está justificado que así lo hagan- crematística, para el cual parece que no existe límite alguno de riqueza y propiedad. Muchos consideran que existe uno solo, y el mismo que el ya mencionado a causa de su afinidad con él. Sin embargo, no es idéntico al dicho ni está lejos de él. Uno es por naturaleza y el otro no, sino que resulta más bien de una cierta experiencia y técnica [Aristóteles, Política. Libro I, pp. 68]
Ambos usos son del mismo objeto, pero no de la misma manera; uno es propio del objeto, y el otro no. Por ejemplo, el uso de un zapato: como calzado y como objeto de cambio. Y ambos son utilizaciones del zapato. De hecho, el que cambia un zapato al que lo necesita por dinero o por alimento, utiliza el zapato en cuanto zapato, pero no según su propio uso, pues no se ha hecho para el cambio. Del mismo modo ocurre también con las demás posesiones, pues el cambio puede aplicarse a todas, teniendo su origen, en un principio, en un hecho natural: en que los hombres tienen unos más y otros menos de lo necesario. De ahí que es evidente también que el comercio de compra y venta no forma parte de la crematística por naturaleza, pues entonces sería necesario que el cambio se hiciera para satisfacer lo suficiente. [Aristóteles, Política. Libro I, pp. 68]
“We next have to consider the sins which have to do with voluntary exchanges…” [Aquinas, Summa Theologica (1948)]
El cruel destino de Pierre Olivi. Casi un siglo antes que San Bernardino, un religioso francés y franciscano se había anticipado a San Bernardino casi por completo en temas de valor y utilidad. Cuenta la leyenda que San Bernardino omitió citar el trabajo de Olivi no por despistado sino por remordimiento: Olivi fue declarado hereje y sus huesos fueron desenterrados y esparcidos a los cuatro vientos.
(In proof of this,) it should be noted that there are some things the use of which is the consumption of the things themselves; as we consume wine by using it to drink and consume wheat by using it for food. Hence, in case of such things, the use should not be reckoned apart from the thing itself; but when the use has been granted to a man, the thing is granted by this very fact; and therefore, in such cases, the act of lending involves the transfer of ownership (dominum). Therefore, if a man wished to sell wine and the use of the wine separately, he would be selling the same thing twice, or selling what does not exist; hence he would obviously be guilty of a sin of injustice. For analogous reasons, a man commits injustice who lend wine or wheat expecting to receive two compensations.
There are some things, however, the use of which is not the consumption of the thing itself; thus the use of a house is living in it, not destroying it. Hence, in such cases, both may be granted separately, as in the case of a man who transfers the ownership of a house to another, reserving the use of it for himself for a time; or, conversely, when a man grants someone the use of a house, while retaining the ownership. Therefore a man may lawfully receive a price for the use of a house, and in addition expect to receive back the house lent.