Historia del Pensamiento y del Análisis Económico
“The ordinary means therefore to increase our wealth and treasure is by Foreign Trade, wherein wee must ever observe this rule; to sell more to strangers yearly than wee consume of theirs in value” [Thomas Mun (1630)
“This subject is an important and a complex one. Everyone knows what a difference it makes to the prosperity of the population in general and the prince in particular whether or not a state abounds in gold and silver. [Antonio Serra (1613)]
“Foreign Trade is the only means to enrich this kingdom” [Roger Coke (1670)]
“It is not possible to increase the stock of one country by 20, 30 or 50 million without at the same time taking the same quantity from neighbouring states. Thus arises this two-fold increase, which has been so clearly discernible for several years past: on the one hand, the power and greatness of your Majesty increases, while on the other hand, that of your enemies and ill-wishers falls…I suppose that anyone would readily agree with this principle, namely, that is simply and solely the abundance of money within a state that makes the difference in its grandeur and power [Jean Colbert (1670)]